What is an Illuminating woman?
An Illuminating Woman© acknowledges that ‘we need to be the change we wish to see in this world.’ She therefore also purposefully contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 5, which aims to ‘achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.’
To this end, she proactively and actively strives to counteract the main obstacles that prevent women from taking their rightful place on the business stage,by encouraging an uptake of technology among women, uplifting our female youth, supporting other female entrepreneurs and leveraging her success to influence policies that affect women in business.
Simply put, an Illuminating Woman© is a Game Influencer© who realises that empowered women empower women, and she rises to the top by lifting other women up all along her way.
*Female business leaders who operate the divisions, business units or subsidiaries that they are responsible for in a Game Influencer and Illuminating Women kind of way, may also apply to get their division, unit or subsidiary listed.
The Six Business Principles of a Game Influencer as adapted for Illuminating Women©
*Click on each principle below for more details
Opening soon. Subscribe to our Bytes of Wisdom to be one of the first to know the moment you can apply to get listed In the meantime, feel free to use the Six Business Principles of a Game Influencer as adapted for Illuminating Women© as a guideline to prepare for evaluation of your application, and familiarise yourself with the criteria for application below.